lemon pepper and honey glaze salmon

lemon pepper and honey glaze salmon


4 salmon fillets , 180g/6oz each, skinless and boneless 
1 tsp olive oil 
50 g / 3.5 tbsp butter , salted 
1 large garlic clove , finely chopped 
2 ½ tbsp honey 
2 tbsp lemon juice , fresh 


3 tbsp flour 
1 tsp paprika ½ tsp garlic powder 
½ tsp mustard powder (not critical) 
1/2 tsp salt ½ tsp black pepper


Finely chopped parsley or chives 
Lemon slices


Place the Seasoning ingredients in a small dish and mix. 

Coat salmon in the Seasoning, shaking off excess well.

 Place oil and about 1 tsp of the butter in a large non stick skillet over medium high heat. Once the butter is melted, add the salmon. 

Cook salmon for 3 minutes, or until it’s a beautiful bronzed golden brown. Turn and cook for 1 minute. 

Add remaining butter, garlic and honey. Swirl the mixture around the pan as the butter melts. 

Simmer for 1 minute - the honey butter mixture will start to bubble like caramel and turn golden. Add lemon juice, shake pan to disperse. Taste sauce – adjust salt, pepper and lemon to taste. 

Turn salmon over to coat in the sauce, then remove from heat immediately. Place salmon on plates and drizzle over sauce. Garnish with parsley and fresh lemon.

Hope You Enjoy

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